Montana Historical Society Glacial Lake Great Falls
Shown: Homotherium
Geologic period: Modern
Homotherium (also known as the scimitar-toothed cat or scimitar cat) is an extinct genus of machairodontine saber-toothed cats, often termed scimitar-toothed cats, that inhabited North America, South America, Eurasia, and Africa during the Pliocene and Pleistocene epochs.
Karen's homotherium bust was created at life size, working with colleagues Bollinger Atellier, in Tucson, AZ. The finished sculpt was then painted in a color pattern suggested by its North American grasslands habitat.
See the coloration of the final bust.
Other samples of work for Montana Historical Society:
Montana Historical Society
225 N. Roberts
Helena, MT 59620
In addition to the time she spends painting, Karen finds time now and again to serve as a guest speaker, lecturer and instructor to museum groups, professional organizations, schools and universities. She has also presented master classes in art and digital painting at universities in the U.S.
Karen has delivered recent presentations for these institutions and groups:
Originally trained in the classical techniques of illustration and painting, Karen frequently speaks on the transition to a digital world, and on the challenges and benefits this transition poses for artists, clients and viewers. She conducts professional seminars on painting, illustration and digital image creation, and also offers specific programs tailored to the needs of professional groups or classroom instructors.
To contact Karen about a speaking engagement, just drop her a note or call her studio.
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I appreciate the time you spend on this site, and I welcome your comments and inquiries.
Whether you're looking for information on my work, pictures of dinosaurs or information on how to paint digitally, I hope I have provided the information you need. If not, please let me know!
Karen Carr Studio, Inc.
Note new address:
13 Fleming Tank Road
Silver City, NM 88061
Phone: + 1 (575) 654-3370
Images and content © copyright 1998 - 2020 Karen Carr and Karen Carr Studio, Inc.. All rights reserved.