Animation: Eryops for SVP 75th Anniversary
Southern Methodist University
© Karen Carr.
Often a museum project needs a specific plant, animal or environment to appear both on murals and in animated videos, movies or other projected presentations. Karen's digital 3D workflow is ideally suited to these needs!
Beginning with careful 3D sculpting, which her science review team can study and comment upon online in 3 dimensions, Karen creates animals, plants and entire ancient environments in life-like animations for broadcast or projection.
No AI: No images from this site may be used in datasets for, in the development of, or as inputs to, generative AI programs.
Welcome to My Studio!
I appreciate the time you spend on this site, and I welcome your comments and inquiries.
Whether you're looking for information on my work, pictures of dinosaurs or information on how to paint digitally, I hope I have provided the information you need. If not, please let me know!
Karen Carr Studio, Inc.
Note new address:
13 Fleming Tank Road
Silver City, NM 88061
Phone: + 1 (575) 654-3370
Email: karen@karencarr.com
Images and content © 1998 - 2025 Karen Carr and Karen Carr Studio, Inc. All rights reserved.